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I have supported neurodiverse children for over 20 years and now specialize in creating personalized visuals to promote your child’s understanding of the world they live, learn and can thrive in.


I have earned a reputation of being dedicated and determined to ensure the best support for all the neurodiverse children I have been privileged to work with. I have extensive knowledge of the school experience having worked in preschool, elementary school and ASD program settings with the Winnipeg School Division. I have also worked as part of an Autism Inclusion Team with the St. James Assiniboia School Division mentoring teachers, educational assistants and administrators to enhance their understanding of Sensory Awareness, Co-Regulation, Interoception and the power of "PLAY" to build social and communication connections with ASD children.


I am a strong advocate of visual supports and I take pride in being able to provide a means for ASD children to better understand their daily activities and routines, enhance their communication and reduce their anxiety and frustration.

Processing spoken language can often be very challenging for ASD children. Using individual visuals, transition visual tools and social stories/scripts provides a way for your child to hold onto shared information, improve comprehension or communicate their own wants or needs. Visuals can be referenced by you and your child as often as needed to promote their understanding.


I look forward to discussing and developing personalized visual supports for the needs of your child.

Please contact me for further information and how I can best support your child and family.


Lena Morrow B.A. (Honours)


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